Repped Artists:

Jason Crager

I began my art career, simple enough as a ink assistant to the great Joe Weems.

Starting at Harris comics I assisted on such titles as Vamperlla, Chains of Chaos, and the Rook. During and after that time I began developing my pencil work for mainsteam comics. Resulting in a few art gigs. One at Top Cow (The Darkness) and the others were Caliber press (Mythologies mistresses) and Avatar publications ( inking and painting  Tim Vigil and  inking 2 Dave Finch covers) eventually working on my own short stories through them then becoming the art director for about a year. During that year Avatar produced 20 separate titles ( Avangelene, Covin,Threshold, Razor, Badworld and the list goes on...  In some way shape or form. I had a hand in producing these some cases I lettered them....others I  Inked covers, Inked some of the Interiors or toned or just did post-production for printing on the Books.

In 2012 I took up sculpting traditionally. Sculpting comes very naturally to me. So I learned very quickly and was able to sell work within a year of starting my adventure into sculpting.

 Somewhere in 2018 after developing my skills as a sculptor and a artist I decided to dive in to the creator owned end a crowdfunded comics.

 I've successfully crowdfunded two titles... Hammer A Post Ragnarok Tale ( written and created by me.) ....and The Kill Journal written and created by Adam Lawson.


Jason Crager (all)
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