Sketch Card/AP color sketch (provide your own card): $100
Provided by artist: $115*
*see available AP card list at bottom of page
Ink: $120
Grayscale: $150
Color: $190
Full figure:
Ink: $150
Grayscale: $200
Color: $240
+character = Ink +$75, Grayscale +$90, Color +$110
+partial background = Ink +$40, Grayscale +$60, Color +$80
11x17 single full figure
Ink: $200
Grayscale: $275
Color: $350
+character = Ink: +$90, Gray: +$135, Color: +$175
+full background = Ink +$90, Grayscale +$120, Color +$150
*AP card availability:
Marvel Premier:
Marvel Masterpieces
Marvel Anime
Ant Man and Wasp 2018 - 4
Iron Man 2 (2010) - 5
DC Comics (2012) - 3