Sanya is now accepting a limited number of commission prebooks for Denver Comic Con
Sanya is taking a very limited number of 11x17 full figure commissions (these are at home quality commissions) and 9x12 (show quality commissions to be done at the show). She may also take a few smaller commissions at the show, time permitting, but the only way to guarantee being on her list is to book in advance. Commissions are to be picked up at the show. A couple examples from C2E2 are shared below.
11x17 full figure (at home quality, done in advance)
Ink $270
Gray $330
Color $420
9x12 inked headsketch (convention quality done at show) $60
9x12 full figure (convention quality, done at show)
Ink $140
Gray $170
Color $220
Please email me at [email protected] or contact me here